Emotional Disturbance Is Real – Learn Ways To Handle It

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In my view, the mental health field has largely ignored understanding what healthy thinking, emotions, spirit and behavior should look like in our 21st Century world of rapid change, interconnection, constant flux and unpredictability. — Douglas LaBier Ph.D.

Notwithstanding the modernization that the world undergoes daily, it remains nice to recall the proverbs that your ancestors used to live by. One of those famous sayings states that knowledge equates to power. Its exact origin is still debatable. Others claim it’s from an old Arabic book. Some believe it’s Francis Bacon’s – yet the effect is the same for everyone.

Beyond the intellect, however, these words should motivate you to understand people better, especially the kids. It’s a lesser known truth that adults’ mental disorders may stem out of their undetected childhood illnesses. These usually start with a type of emotional disturbance, so it’s hard to dismiss the child’s tantrums or lack of interest to mingle with others.

Finding the opportunity in the obstacle can set the stage for bringing some hopefulness and relief to emotional pain. — Nicole Sartini-Cprek, LPCC

Find out the tips on how to handle it below.

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